Mrs Nichola Cropper
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Modern general practice is delivered by a mixed portfolio of healthcare professionals supporting the doctors. With the development of Primary Care Networks the team will further expand to clinicians such as paramedics and physiotherapists in the future.
Here's a guide to the types of clinician you might encounter at Cumberland House Surgery.
GP Partners
Some of our GPs are also partners in the practice. This means they are owners of the business that is contracted to provide General Medical Services under contract to the NHS. As well as seeing patients the Partners have to make time to look after the management and administration of the practice.
Salaried GPs
Four of our GPs are salaried GPs. These GPs are employed by the practice and are permanent members of the clinical team. They are the named GP to a list of our registered patients.
Sessional GPs
Sessional GPs are self-employed doctors who have a portfolio of work placements which includes Ainsdale Medical Centre. Some of our sessional GPs work regular sessions on the same days each week whilst others work less frequently. Sessional GPs typically also work at other practices in the area which means they bring varied experience of the wider healthcare system to their work. Sessional GPs do not have their own list of registered patients.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP)
Advanced Nurse Practitioners are Registered Nurses who have done extra training and academic qualifications to be able to examine, assess, make diagnoses, treat, prescribe and make referrals for patients who present with undiagnosed/undifferentiated problems. They are unable to issue sick notes or consult with pregnant patients or, in some cases, patients aged under 18. Please check with reception if you think an ANP may be appropriate for your condition.
Practice Nurses
General Practice Nurses are a vital part of our primary healthcare team. Our practice nurses will be involved in almost every aspect of patient care and treatment, undertaking such tasks as:
The role allows nurses to develop long term relationships with individuals and families, managing their conditions and improving physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Watch a short video produced by NHS called 'A Day in The Life of a Practice Nurse'
Health Care Assistants (HCA)
The role of HCA is evolving in the NHS workforce but they have long been a central part of the healthcare team at Ainsdale Medical Centre. Supplementing and supporting the work of the practice nurses they carry out a wide range of tasks which includes.
Watch a short video produced by the NHS called 'A Day in The Life of a Health Care Assistant'
Independent Prescribing Pharmacist
Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks. The role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and ensuring patient safety.
Having clinical pharmacists in GP practices means that GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex conditions. This helps GPs to manage the demands on their time.
Junior Doctors /Trainee Doctors
Medical graduates enter the medical workforce as ‘junior doctors’ on a two year work based training
programme. This is known as the ‘foundation programme’ and is the first level of clinical training for qualified doctors that bridges the gap between medical school and specialty training.
The foundation programme is carried out in hospitals and the two years are often referred to as ‘FY1’
(foundation year one) or ‘FY2’ (foundation year two) by medical staff, and as such, junior doctors on the foundation programme may introduce themselves to patients as an ‘FY1’ or ‘FY2’ doctor. Foundation Stage 2 Doctors complete a four-month rotation in General Practice and work under the supervision of our experienced GPs.
Completion of FY1 allows junior doctors to gain full registration with the GMC and completion of FY2 allows them to apply for further study and training in a specialised area of medicine such as general practice.
Typically the speciality trainee (ST) doctors that work at the surgery and are in the third and final year of their qualification to be a GP and are known as ST3 doctors and also , sometimes, as Registrars.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Healthcare Assistant
Dr Marc Roseberry qualified from Edinburgh University in 2001 and is a Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. GMC no: 6024755
Dr Tim Irvine qualified from Sheffield University 2002 and is a Member of Royal College of General Practitioners. He holds the Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. He has the letter of competence in contraceptive implant fittings. He is able to perform joint injections. GMC no: 6051707
Dr Kim Speed was originally from Liverpool and attended the Royal Free Medical School London and qualified in 2000. She is a Member of Royal College of General Practitioners. She has a special interest in Women's Health and holds the Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. She has letters of competence in coil and contraceptive implant fittings. GMC no: 4737254
Dr Keith Selvarajah (m) MRCGP, MRCP, MBChB, Pharmacology BSc Honours Degree (2:1) Dr Keith Selvarajah qualified from Edinburgh Medical School in 2002. He has a wealth of knowledge and varied medical experience. GMC no : 6048639
Dr Katy O'Hara (f) - Dr Katy O'Hara is a GP Partner at the practice, following three year placement with Cumberland House during her training. Dr O'Hara qualified from Leicester in 2009. Dr O'Hara completed her MRCGP in 2017. GMC no: 7046450
Dr Nick McGough (m) - Dr Nick McGough qualified from Liverpool Medical School in 2013 with MBCHB Medicine and Surgery (hons) and has been a member of RCGP from 2022. He has a previous degree in biochemistry from St. Johns College, University of Cambridge 2006 (BA MSG Hons Cantab). Dr McGough has joined the Practice as a salaried GP three days a week - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after previously being a registrar at the Surgery. GMS no: 7409675
Healthcare Assistant
Healthcare Assistant
Practice Nurse