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COVID Winter Vaccinations
As the summer season draws to a close the offer of a COVID vaccination will be made if you are eligible.
You can enquire about this by using the NHS.uk website at the link below
9/17/2024 2:33:33 PMCannot find any content for this category.
Green and Yellow Pill Alert
Please see an attached news article click here
9/3/2024 9:47:58 AMCannot find any content for this category.
Respiratory syncytial virus - RSV
From 1 September 2024, those who turn 75 and those age 75 to 79 will be eligible for a free vaccine to protect them from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
This vaccine is also available...
8/20/2024 11:07:57 AMCannot find any content for this category.
Southport and Formby Primary Care Network
Southport and Formby Primary Care Network (PCN) is a group of 15 GP Practices working together with other local organisations to improve the health and social care of our local population of around...
6/20/2023 2:28:25 PM -
7 Day GP
Do you need a GP appointment outside of traditional 9-5 hours? We have the service for you. Find out more about our 7 Day GP service.
6/15/2023 3:33:37 PM