Cumberland House Surgery

58 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport, PR8 6PG | Tel:01704 501500
58 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport, PR8 6PG | Tel:01704 501500 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm

Popular services

Contact your doctor online

Contact us

View our contact details, opening times and how to access the surgery.

Out of Hours and Emergencies

    If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online ( or call 111.

    111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5. 

    Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.


  • Quick, easy and convenient: Book Your Smear Test This January with 7-Day GP

    Quick, easy and convenient: Book Your Smear Test This January with 7-Day GP

    If you live in Southport or Formby and have been invited for your cervical screening (or smear test)—or if you’ve missed one—you can now book directly with the 7-Day GP by calling 01704 395 755.

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    Southport and Formby Health

  • Christmas Pharmacy Hours

    Christmas Pharmacy Hours

    Over the festive period the local community pharmacies have a rota when they open.

    Here are the links for the bank holiday opening across Merseyside and beyond.



    12/16/2024 10:47:17 AM

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  • Dentist Christmas

    Dentist Christmas

    Should you require a dentist during the festive period.  There is an out of hours service available in the evenings and on Bank Holidays, including Christmas Day. Advice and appointments across...

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